Our highest priority is the safety and security of the UHart community.
Safety and Security
It’s our goal to ensure that all members of the UHart community experience a safe and secure learning, social, and cultural environment. In order to achieve that, we have many security measures and programs in place.
Public safety officers patrol campus 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They assist in unlocking and securing facilities, responding to emergencies, and providing security escorts.
You can do your part to prevent crime, too. While some might assume that crimes don't occur on college campuses, the reality is that our community is a lot like a small city, and it's not immune to criminal activity and behavior. Those who put themselves or their belongings at risk become easy targets for scammers and thieves.
The best protection is prevention -- you're much less likely to be a victim if you're risk aware and taking smart, preventative steps. We offer these tips and resources below to help you avoid common crimes and keep yourself and your belongings safe.
Safety On Campus
Being risk aware and using good judgment is the best way to avoid becoming a victim.
Personal SafetyCommon sense advice for protecting yourself, your space, and your belongings.
Residence Hall and Apartment SafetyProtect yourself from hackers targeting our networks and our students.
Cybercrime and Email SafetyImportant information about sexual assault, intimate partner assault, and victim's rights.
Sexual Assault AwarenessWhat you can do if you think you're the target of stalking or harassment.
Stalking and HarassmentOther Important Resources
Free bicycle registration is provided by the Department of Public Safety. If your bicycle is ever lost, stolen, or confiscated for non-compliance with the University bicycle policy, registration will aid the department in locating a returning your bicycle.
To register your bicycle, complete the Bicycle Registration Form (PDF).
Call Public Safety to make an appointment to bring your bicycle, completed form, and University ID to the Public Safety Office to complete the process.
As a reminder...
The bicycle racks available at various locations on campus should be used for securing bicycles. Bicycles should not be chained to fences, doors, trees, or other objects, and under no circumstances may bicycles be brought into any University building. The Connecticut State Fire Code dictates that all entrances, exits, corridors, and stairwells must be free and clear at all times. Bicycles found in violation of this code will be removed from the area.
Here are a few theft prevention tips...
• When you secure your bicycle to a designated bike rack, be sure to secure the lock around a portion of the bicycle that can’t be easily removed. (i.e. the frame)
• Never leave your bicycle unattended or unsecured, even if it’s just for a minute.
• If you notice someone hanging around a bicycle rack, report this to Public Safety.
For bicycle safety tips, visit the National High Traffic Safety Administration Bicycle Safety.
The University of Hartford encourages all community members to educate themselves about interpersonal violence and share this info with friends. A good is bystander someone who models pro-social behaviors and intervenes when a potentially dangerous situation occurs. Good bystanders also confront friends who make excuses for other peoples abusive behavior, and speak up against racist, sexist, and homophobic jokes or remarks.
To combat sexual assault on campus, the most powerful tool is your conveying your concern. The best way bystanders can assist in creating an empowering climate free of interpersonal violence is to diffuse the problem behaviors before they escalate.
Often people don't intervene because they may assume the situation isn't a problem, or feel it is none of their business. They may assume that someone else will do something, or believe that other people weren't bothered by the problem. In some cases, a person might feel their personal safety is at risk.
When people do intervene in a situation, they often say that it was the right thing to do, and that they would want someone to intervene if the roles were reversed.
Bystander Intervention Keys
- Notice the Incident. Bystanders first must notice the incident taking place. Obviously, if they don't take note of the situation there is no reason to help.
- Interpret Incident as Emergency. Bystanders also need to evaluate the situation and determine whether it is an emergency, or at least one in which someone needs assistance. Again, if people do not interpret a situation as one in which someone needs assistance, then there is no need to provide help
- Assume Responsibility. Another decision bystanders make is whether they should assume responsibility for giving help. One repeated finding in research studies on helping is that a bystander is less likely to help if there are other bystanders present. When other bystanders are present responsibility for helping is diffused. If a lone bystander is present he or she is more likely to assume responsibility.
- Attempt to Help. Whether this is to help the person leave the situation, confront a behavior, diffuse a situation, or call for other support/security.
Tips for Intervening
In a situation potentially involving sexual assault, relationship violence, or stalking:
- Approach everyone as a friend
- Do not be antagonistic
- Avoid using violence
- Be honest and direct whenever possible
- Recruit help if necessary
- Keep yourself safe
- Keep your phone handy, call for help or document when you can safely do so.
- If things get out of hand or become too serious, contact the Public Safety or the police.
The Bystander Intervention Playbook
The College of William and Mary put together a playbook of advice for bystander intervention. These tips may be useful.
- Defensive Split Step in and separate two people. Let them know your concerns and reasons for intervening. Be a friend and let them know you are acting in their best interest. Make sure each person makes it home safely
- Pick and Roll Use a distraction to redirect the focus somewhere else: “Hey, I need to talk to you.” or “Hey, this party is lame. Let’s go somewhere else.”
- The Option Evaluate the situation and people involved to determine your best move. You could directly intervene yourself, or alert friends of each person to come in and help. If the person reacts badly, try a different approach.
- Full Court Press Recruit the help of friends of both people to step in as a group.
- Fumblerooski Divert the attention of one person away from the other person. Have someone standing by to redirect the other person’s focus (see Pick and Roll). Commit a party foul (i.e. spilling your drink) if you need to.
Please remember... If you see something, say something.
Don't fall victim to card cracking
A new scam that is happening all around college campuses is called “card cracking.” The scam involves someone contacting students either in person, by phone, email, or social media outlets to set up a deal.
The deal involves using the student’s debit card to process a check through this or her account. The student sees a large deposit in his or her account then quickly sees half of that deposit withdrawn. When the bank realizes that the check was counterfeit, the deposited funds disappear from the account and the student is left to cover any funds withdrawn from the account.
Students should be vigilant to not fall victim to this type of scam. Here are some important things to remember about bank accounts and debit cards.
- Never allow strangers access to your debit card or bank accounts for any reason.
- Remember that the pin to your debit card is private information that you, and only you should know.
- Use “hard to guess” pins on all accounts linked to financial information and do not auto fill passwords on mobile devices or computers.
- Report lost, stolen or compromised debit cards immediately to your financial institution.
- Remember, if it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.
One of the most important things you can do when attending events on or off-campus is to keep your University of Hartford ID on you. During Spring Fling, do not remove your wristband.
Stay alert and drink responsibly.
- Always keep your drink in sight.
- Alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to prevent alcohol poisoning.
- Load up on carbohydrates and protein before going out.
- Wear covered shoes, not flip flops or sandals (flip flops and broken glass don’t mix)
- Don’t carry large amounts of cash.
- Always lock your door when leaving your dorm or apartment and keep your keys with you.
- Bottles and cans are not allowed outside. Please leave backpacks in your room.
Get home safely.
- Use a designated driver
- Stay with your friends. Remember, “We come together, we leave together”
- Never leave a friend alone
Signs of Alcohol Poisoning
- Slowed breathing (<10 breaths/minute)
- Eyes roll back into head
- Vomiting while unconscious
- Unresponsive
- Slowed heart rate
- Skin color change
If an individual is vomiting, turn him or her on his or her side to prevent choking on vomit.
Distribution of Copyrighted Material via University Network
Are you downloading or distributing copies of copyrighted materials, such as music, videos or movies, or games across the University's network system? If you are, you're in violation of both the University's Judicial Code as outlined in The Source as well as numerous federal, state, and local laws.
Examples of such materials include:
- music (MP3, etc.)
- movies and videos (.asf, .mpg, .avi, .mov, etc.)
- video games
- software
Information Technology Services (ITS) receives complaints from copyright holders and continuously monitors the University network for illegal use. Once it is determined that illegal activity is taking place:
ITS captures the evidence from the network stream.
ITS shuts down the network port(s) in the room where the activity is occurring. The port(s) will remain shut down pending the outcome of a conduct hearing.
ITS notifies the Public Safety Investigator and turns over the evidence
Public Safety investigator notifies the student(s) usually within three business days.
The investigator interviews the student(s) and files charges with the Office of Student Conduct Administration.
- 1st offense: The port(s) will remain off for two academic weeks
- 2nd offense: The port(s) will remain off for four academic weeks
- After 2nd offense: Referred to Judicial Office; reduction in housing status
Operation ID is a free program designed to reduce theft. The program involves:
- Engraving your property with your driver's license number to reduce the outlets by which thieves can dispose of your belongings. Such property in their possession provides evidence of thieves' guilt. Engraving also aids in identifying, tracing, and returning your property when it is recovered
- The methodical inventory of the contents of your residence and the recording of pertinent information to help you expedite insurance claims and assist in returning your stolen goods. Public Safety provides inventory sheets specifically designed to record the most important information.
View and print the Property Registration Form. Complete the form and contact Public Safety to have your property engraved.
In response to the growing threat of identity theft, the United States Congress passed the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACT Act). The FACT Act added several new provisions to the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970. These provisions directed several federal agencies to issue joint regulations and guidelines on identity theft for financial institutions and creditors. On November 7, 2007, the Federal Trade Commission and Federal Banking Agencies jointly issued final rules on Sections 114 and 315 of the FACT Act, known as “Red Flags” regulations.
The Red Flags regulations require financial institutions and creditors that offer and maintain “covered accounts” to develop and implement a written program. The program must be designed to detect, prevent, and mitigate identity theft in connection with the opening of or any existing covered account. Users of a consumer credit agency (CRA) to develop reasonable policies and procedures to employ when a notice of address discrepancy is received from a CRA.
To comply with the Red Flags regulations, the University of Hartford (University) is implementing an Identity Theft Prevention Program (Program). The Program will help to minimize the risk of identity theft and data loss to the University, its students, employees, and customers. The risk can be reduced through the combined efforts of University staff.
The University’s Identity Theft Prevention Program is designed to detect, prevent, and mitigate identity theft at the University. The program will help the University:
1. Identify risks that signify potentially fraudulent activity within new or existing covered accounts;
2. Detect risks when they occur in covered accounts;
3. Respond to risks to determine if fraudulent activity has occurred and act if fraud has been attempted or committed; and
4. Update the Program periodically, including reviewing the accounts that are covered and the identified risks that are part of the Program.
This Program applies to employees, students, contractors, consultants, temporary workers, and other workers of the University.
For more information, email us at redflag@lakeviewbungalow.com
University Policy
ANY MEMBER OF THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY who observes something that they suspect to be child abuse on campus or at a University-sponsored event is required to report the suspected abuse, as described below. You do not have to know for certain that abuse is taking place. It’s enough that you reasonably suspect that a child has been abused. When in doubt, report it.
WHAT KIND OF HARM APPLIES TO THIS POLICY? Child abuse can include physical injury (not caused by accident), mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation, maltreatment, or neglect (whether physical, emotional or moral), including being denied proper care attention. Anyone under the age of 18 is considered a child.
The University prohibits any kind of retaliation against any person who, acting in good faith, reports potential child abuse or testifies in a legal action regarding child abuse.
If a University employee willfully fails to report a case of suspected child abuse, then the University has a right to impose disciplinary action up to – and including – dismissal.
IF YOU SUSPECT CHILD ABUSE ON CAMPUS OR AT A UNIVERSITY-SPONSORED EVENT, immediately contact either Public Safety 24 hours/day at campus extension 7777 (or 860.768.7777), or Connecticut Department of Children and Families at 1.800.842.2288 (if no answer, then immediately contact Childhelp at 1.800.422.4453).
IF A CHILD IS IN IMMEDIATE DANGER, contact Public Safety at campus extension 7777 (or 860.768.7777), or call local police at 911, to obtain immediate protection for the child.
In either report situation, be prepared to describe to the best of your ability the following:• Your name and telephone number;
• The date, time, and location of the incident(s);
• Whether the child is in immediate danger, and whether an ambulance is required;
• A description of the child, the potential abuser and parent/caretaker (name and address if known, age, gender, clothing and physical description);
• A description of the incident(s), or basis for concern; and• A description of any vehicle involved (if relevant).
The University’s research policy requires ethical treatment and protection of any human research participant. All human subjects research is safeguarded by the University’s Human Subjects Committee (“HSC”). The HSC reviews, approves and monitors reporting procedures, and the principal investigator is responsible for all aspects of the research, including reporting any child abuse identified through the research. In addition to calling one of the numbers listed above, anyone who observes something that they suspect to be child abuse that is connected in any way to research should contact the Office of the Provost at 860.786.4504.
A company called Student Advocate has targeted University of Hartford students on social media with the promise of student loan forgiveness if you contact the company. This is not a legitimate company seeking money and/or information in exchange for services.
There are some student loan forgiveness options available, but they are all free of charge and offered directly through the federal government. Information about these legitimate options can be found at Student Loan Forgiveness.
If you have any questions about the legitimacy of an offer you receive concerning financial aid and student loans, please contact the Financial Aid Office at finaid@lakeviewbungalow.com or 860.768.4296.
Review the Public Service Announcement for information about how criminals are targeting students with their campus ID cards to illegally make purchases at campus stores.